Error Codes
error_code | Description |
10000 | unknown error |
7030 | Logistics Name which is required is Wrong |
9000 | brand is not exist |
9001 | variation is not exist |
9006 | category is not exist |
9007 | No access permission to this item |
9011 | missing field |
9016 | the seller only can use the specified category |
9017 | the seller only can use the specified brand |
9019 | Gross or net weight is less than or equals to 0 |
9020 | product short name length can't great than 15 charactor |
9021 | Item feature contains more than 9 characters |
9022 | spl item is not exist |
9023 | spu is not exist |
9025 | No change detected |
9026 | the product is pre sale,can't edit. |
7001 | Start time is greater than end time |
8006 | Difference between start and end time too large |
8008 | Page size too large |
8010 | Page No is invalid |
8007 | Query input too long |
7025 | package is canceled |
7026 | package's cancel to be confirmed |
7003 | Package does not exist or does not belong to this seller |
7005 | parcel carriers company code error |
7006 | Seller's logistics mode is not supported by this endpoint |
7022 | payment resend failed |
7002 | Illegal package status |
7088 | package status invalid |
8001 | Item does not exist or does not belong to this seller |
8005 | Product stock qty is missing |
8004 | Product stock is negative, stock sync failed |
7028 | Stock modification not supported in this logistics mode |
7027 | Stock modification not supported in this logistics mode |
8009 | Stock modification not supported in this locked stock item |
9027 | item price must greater than 0. |
7006 | Seller's logistics mode is not supported by this endpoint |
7012 | ort not supported |
8002 | Insufficient inventory for this operation |
8003 | Product increase failed, please try later |
7021 | HS code invalid |
9029 | page size or page no too large |
9030 | invalid country name |
7032 | Ship order failed |
7033 | The end time can not be larger then the start time about 7 days |
7034 | Audit failed because the pacakge status is invalid. |
7035 | The end time should be greater than the start time. |
7036 | The audit result is invalid. |
When you got error code with |10000, please check "error_msg" to fetch specific error messages.
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