Instructions for integration test
Sandbox environment and Developer tool are provided for integration test. It is recommending you follow this guide step by step to ensure that your integration would work perfectly in production environment.
Before you begin testing, make sure you have sandbox app-key and app-secret. If you do not yet have one, please refer to How to Get App-key & App-secret
If you only integrate with Inventory APIs and Package APIs:
Create item with ITEM CREATION SIMULATION in Item simulator.
Now that you have items available to sell, you will need to set inventory quantities. Use the “Set Inventory” API to initialize the stock of an item.
To prevent any error like out of stock, please apply the “Increase/Decrease Inventory” API after initialization.
If you have not integrate Inventory APIs yet, Edit inventory in web page "Product & Inventory".
If you ship packages with the logistics mode of "Fulfilled by seller" or "Individual parcels", you can use Package Simulator, click Package Simulator in the left bottom of the Ark homepage.
Input item id and quantity (equal or smaller than 3), click [+] button, then create a package. Package id would be seen at the bottom while package created successfully.
After package created, test referred Package APIs with your logistics mode.
If it is necessary to notify you that inventory updated when a package is created or cancelled, we recommend you set up Webhook urls.
If you integrate with ALL APIs(Item APIs,Inventory APIs and Package APIs):
Create or upload items by “Create or Replace Item” API, it is also usage for updating or replacing item information, you need to know that barcode is unique and non-changeable.
If you attempt to modify and update part info of an existing item, use the “Edit Fields of One Item” API.
After that, you can check all items info or retrieve items on special status through “Get Item List ” API , also you can see them on the Ark home page.
Use the “Submit Item to Review” API on items with Editing state turned into Waiting for Approval.
Now that you have items available to sell, you will need to set inventory quantities. Use the “Set Inventory” API to initialize the stock of an item. To prevent any error like out of stock, please apply the “Increase/Decrease Inventory” API after initialization.
Use the “Get Current Inventory of One Item” API would return current inventory available for sale.
If you ship packages with the logistics mode of "Fulfilled by seller" or "Individual parcels", you can use Package Simulator, click Package Simulator in the left bottom of the Ark homepage.
Input item id and quantity (equal or smaller than 3), click [+] button, then create a package. Package id would be seen at the bottom while package created successfully.
After package created, test referred Package APIs with your logistics mode.
If it is necessary to notify you that inventory updated when a package is created or cancelled, we recommend you set up Webhook urls.
The recommended steps can be adjusted according to the integration priority. For details, please contact Tech Support of RED.